Well today is a big day around here. One year ago today, Corey and I found out that we were pregnant! We suspected that we might be pregnant on our way to Temple, December 11th because of my hormone levels that were posted online by our doctor. We didn't want to get our hopes up until someone confirmed it for us and my blood work on Monday did just that! I got the call at school and tried to call Corey probably 15 times! He didn't answer but when he saw I had called so many times he figured out the good news! I had to tell someone so I ran across the hall to my friend Mindy's classroom and whispered my surprise! We didn't know just yet that there were two little angels but we knew that it was definitely either one or two!
Corey and I being silly in our gear at the hospital before our embryo transfer.
Our two little pinto beans!
We also just celebrated the babies 6 month birthday! I LOVE half birthdays! I can't believe what all has transpired in what seems like such a short amount of time. They are such fun "little people"! They are giggling and laughing at us all the time. Cullen is such a talker and has quite the loud voice on him. Presley is still very dainty and prissy! We just love it! She always has a hand on her cheek or behind her head. I guess it's her way of comforting herself. Cullen is currently weighing 14 lbs 14 oz and Presley is weighing 11 lbs 9 oz. She has been taking most of her bottles for a whole week now! We are definitely excited and nervous to see if it sticks this time. Keep those prayers coming! They are still on just bottles and Presley loves her pacifier! Cullen doesn't care for his pacifier much which is fine with us. We're so glad that Presley is taking hers again because this helps to get her organized before her bottles. For such a long time she was not sucking anything (pacifier or bottle) and that skill can disappear. The callouses on their lips that they create from sucking were peeling off but she's doing so much better!
They are sleeping very well. They'll sleep anywhere from 7-9 hours a night and nap pretty consistently after every feed for at least 45 minutes. They are starting to recognize one another and it is just precious!
My sweet.
Love this smile.
We took them to meet Santa today and we thought we'd go after Presley's therapy so there hopefully wouldn't be much of a line. Little did we know that we'd be first in line! They did great! They wore their precious new "first Christmas" hats and socks from their "Uncle" Cameron and "Aunt" Jen - who are recently engaged!!! We couldn't be more excited for them and the babies LOVE their goodies!
soo stinkin' cute. i can't resist your blog! :)- i love the pics of them together and really think you need to send me a copy of their santa pic. just know..if the are ever missing..it wasn't me! :) love love love ya'll!!
Yeah! December 14, 2009 was a great day. I'm so happy for you guys!!!
(we also found out that we were expecting on Dec. 14, '09)
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