June 10, 2010

Touch time!

Everyone is doing great.  I don't think I heard any weights today... Brittani is pretty excited to get home and see how much weight she lost :).. I am also pretty excited about not having to eat so much.  She was afraid she would catch me in weight at the end of the pregnancy.. glad to be free of that pressure!

Both babies are still getting 3 cc's of breastmilk every 3 hours.  Ingesting, digesting, and delivering it to the diaper.  All fantastic.

Cullen is on room air (21% oxygen).  Presley's lungs still need a little help from the CPAP and a bit more oxygen (28% oxygen).  Both doing great.

They both had a spell or two of forgetfulness today and forgot to breathe.. no ones perfect all the time, right?  But still no caffeine so that is great.

I am not sure I ever advertised their length when born.  Cullen came in 15 inches and Presley was 13.25 inches.  Here is a picture of my iPhone with one of their little diapers (...a clean one)

There are still ton's of pregnant chicks around here.

Britt will be going home tomorrow.  It's going to be a change for us.  We have been right down the hall from the babies so far.  Now we'll be about 15-20 minutes away (12.2 miles).  One of the silver linings in the whole NICU experience is the gift of rest.

Big news today was some serious touch time. Mom got to hold Cullen on her chest for a little over an hour today.  It's called the kangaroo hold.. skin to skin.  And she described it as "perfect".  He is so fiesty in his isolet.  Always moving, always pulling on IV, always pulling on feeding tube.. when he was laying there on his mama, he did not move a bit.  He knows.  I get to experience it tonight around 11pm.  Is it 11pm yet?   Is it now?  How about now?

First hold.

Mom and dad with Cullen

Hanging out in the suite.  Dad checking his phone to see if its 11pm yet.. is it?

Dad comforting him when he got put back in his isolet.  11pm yet?

In the mean time, a volunteer made Presley a little headband.  She is precious.  We may get some kangaroo care time tomorrow!

Here is a video of the nurse prepping Cullen to be held.

It is amazing how small of a world it is.  D Dub (Dr. Westmoreland) came in today and said "ummm how many people do you guys know... it has only been 3 days and patient after patient asks about you four.."  And then when we were leaving the NICU late last night we ran into parent's of another set of twins who happen to be friends of a friend.  (Hi Erin and Matt!)

Also, a big shout out to Coulson Tough.  We were supposed to have Britt's classroom all packed up and moved out by Tuesday.  Extension granted and that made us happy.

Sporting my new shirt!

Giving baby Jack a ride around the hospital.  Love that kid.

Grandma got to sneak in a kiss on Cullen's hat!  Funny story about that hat.. the nurse asked us if we have any hats for them.  Sure we do.. but none that will fit a tennis ball!  So they let us borrow one.

I hope they have cute birthmarks like their mom.. (freckle in the eye)

And not a silly one like mine on my elbow..

Is it 11pm yet?


Matthew, Sarah, Jack and Lily said...

We can't wait to meet Cullen and Presley! Love you all! Praising God for the miracle of these two precious ones.

the rosenbaums said...

Yes...I was one of those annoying people asking about yall to Dr. Westmoreland.... :) I just love her...she is great! It is a small world and once things slow down our family would love to hang out with yours! :)

icenhower-family said...

Kangaroo time was the most amazing experience!! I enjoyed every minute they would give me with Garrett.
We will keep you in our prayers!! Going home and leaving your little one in the hospital is never easy. But, like you said, it does give you the gift of rest. Staying in the hospital along with them is never easy and completely exhausting. It does give you the satisfaction of staying with them through the night, but the next day you are almost worthless!! Enjoy that rest...they will come home the moment they are ready!!!