June 24, 2010

We have a 3 pounder!

Alright.. I predicted posts may be more spread out.. and I was right!  When I wait so long in between posts, they seem to turn into novels.  Sorry for all the words.  Cliff Notes = Pray for Cullen's heart murmur, we love you and babies are doing well.

It seems that even with around the clock "babysitters" we are still swamped. 

I started working again this week.  I am working remotely until the babies come home and then I will take some more leave.  We are super thankful for this flexibility.

Enough about me.. the babies are doing really well!

Cullen is up to 3 lbs 4 ounces and Presley is coming in at 2 lbs 15.8 ounces.  They are beasts I tell you.  Now I would typically round 15.8 ounces to a pound and name this post we have two 3 pounders.. but they weigh them in grams.  The conversion is just to make us non-metric folks happy. 

Cullen is saying "it's okay baby girl... you'll be big like me in no time!"

Presley still has her nasal cannula but we are optimistic that it will be removed soon.  She is down to half a liter and room air (she started off on 6 liters and extra oxygen).  The cannula is still providing room air, it just gives a slight puff of it to aid in the breathing.

Presley and her beautiful mother.

I don't believe I have mentioned it before, but Cullen has a heart murmur.  It has come and gone a few times and we were being told its normal.  The past few days it has became more noticeable.  This could mean it is trying to close.  He had an echocardiogram performed yesterday.  These images, videos, and sounds of his heart were sent downtown to a pediatric cardiologist and we are still waiting for results.  Pray everything is normal and he will be murmur free in no time!

Cullen just hanging out with daddy during a feeding.

Cullen isn't going to let a little murmur slow him down though.  He is pretty pumped up about Ironman coming to Texas.  Not just to Texas, but to The Woodlands and sponsored by Memorial Hermann!  Registration is tomorrow, so don't miss it... http://www.ironmantexas.com

Lets just hope these people aren't in charge of logistics for the race...

Cullen is up to eating 29 cc's every 3 hours and Presley is up to 27 cc's.

Oh ya.. more bad news..

..well.. kinda..

Sullivan and Camden have left the NICU!  I suppose that is actually GREAT news, but we enjoyed having them and their parent's here with us for the past several weeks.  We still owe a good bit of our emotional stability over the past few weeks to the Butlers.  We are very proud of those boys for being graduates.

Two days before they left the nurses actually asked us if we would mind sharing a room with them.  The NICU was filling up and they new we were buds so rather than having to make special arrangements for new babies they made us roommates.  Conditionally of course.. I told the nurse it was okay as long as those dirty little boys kept their dirty little fingers away from my girl.  And just because they left the NICU doesn't mean I am taking my eyes off those boys.  Only kidding Chris.. kinda.

There they are.  "I kinda feel like we're camping... like when you can hear the people in the next tent talking, but you act like you can't" - Chris

And Cam.. Sully.. I got my eye on you.

Hey, we are parents now so we can talk about poop and pee openly on the internet now.  We got to change diapers for the first time this week.  I've got 4 diapers to my name.. thinking about keeping a counter by the changing table and hanging it over their head until they get married.  "I changed your diaper 27,000 times!"  Cullen has quite the aim.  Poor Linda (nurse) was changing him and he thought she needed to be changed too.  So he aimed right out the hand hole of the isolet and covered her.  With #2!  Woah.  Presley was much more lady like when Britt was changing her and decorated the inside of the isolet.  Don't think I didn't think about taking a picture of it... but I didn't.

Grandma & Paw (My Dad's parents/great grand parents) got to come see their great-grandbabies yesterday.

They were pretty excited.  The six of us..

Funny story.. I took Britt to an Astro's game on Tuesday night.  (Thanks Deloitte!)  I told Paw where we were going and he responded.. "Astros??  I wouldn't walk across the street to go to an Astros game!"  

We enjoyed it.  It was our 6 year dating anniversary.  And yes she wore a fruit loops shirt to the game :)

Another silver lining in the whole giving birth at 29 weeks thing to get off bedrest is that Britt got to enjoy her last two baby showers.  The shower skype was fun, but I know she appreciated being able to be with friends and family.

Britt's family shower down in Santa Fe.

Sometime over the past few days they started getting dressed in little preemie outfits. We're still growing into them...

Speaking of new outfits, I celebrated my first fathers day.  I felt like a celebrity.  Everywhere I went, people acted like they knew me and said..."Happy father's day!"  The babies got me a t-shirt that said "Proud to be awesome."  And their mother made me wear it to church.  And brother Jeff preached on how we should raise our children with humility.. perfect timing for my awesomeness.

But I did get to hold them both at the same time too.  

 Thanks again for the continued blessings, thoughts, and prayers.  We are extremely blessed. 

"Cullen!  Not again, that smells terrible!"


chris & cheryl butler said...

seriously...that is the funniest, Corey! We are definitely sad that we had to leave (crazy that I am saying that huh?). We just can't wait to hang out with you guys once you are also home...which will be here before you can believe it!
We will definitely continue to pray for your sweet babies.

Kat and Craig said...

i don't know if i have mentioned this before but, i am pretty confident that pres and cullen could nto get any cuter!?!
what wonderful parents you guys already are. thanks for finally updating. love ya'll!

icenhower-family said...

Did you ever, in your entire life, think you would pray so much for poop, oxygen, or weight gain?!?!? However, it just gets better!! : )
Glad to hear thing are going well. We will continue to pray for the boys and you...its a roller coaster ride, but the outcome is totally worth it!

Andy said...

So many memories! And oh how we miss Astros games. Never take that for granted! Congrats on another milestone. I also thought about doing a diaper counter. We kept track of how many diapers we went through and it was astonishing (8-12 a day for quite a while). Thank goodness we're potty training and almost done!